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Monthly meetup September - Global Mental Health



This month, we will discuss one important way to reduce suffering in the world - improbing global mental health.

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Time & Location

2020年9月26日 下午8:00 – 下午9:30 [GMT+8]

About the Event

This time, we will display a talk by Micheal Plant from EA Global London Conference 2017, titled "What are the best ways to improve world happiness?"

You can prepare yourself by skimming through these articles:

The Moral Urgency Of Mental Health by Michael Plant and Peter Singer (

Cause profile: mental health - EA Forum by Michael Plant (

Identifying the most cost-effective programmes to improve mental health by Happier Lives Institute (

If you get a chance to read the article beforehand please do, but if not feel free to come along regardless – we’ll be summarising the main points before we dive into the discussion. As always, we would be happy to get to know you if you are interested in doing good effectively and what you have learned about EA. If you have any particular interest in the topic of the talk, don't hesitate to let us know!

Effective Altruism (EA) is an emerging intellectual and social movement that promotes compassion guided by reasoning and analysis to do the most good.

We ask ourselves the following question: “How can we, as individuals with limited time and resources, do the most good that we can?” There is no easy answer to this difficult question but by thinking about it - being honest and applying reason and evidence to guide our decisions - we can increase the positive impact we have in the world.

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